Main Practice Areas


  • Consultation, application and search regarding Intellectual Property Rights such as Patents, Utility Models, Designs, Trademarks (Service marks), Circuit Layouts and Copyrights.
  • Registration regarding transfer, merger, license, usage right, pledge, trust, etc. of Intellectual Property Rights.
  • Expert opinion, opposition, appeal, interpretation, representation in suit to cancel a trial decision and patent infringement litigation.
  • Negotiation and representation of contracts for sale and purchase of Intellectual Property or technical secrecy, contracts regarding exclusive licenses, non-exclusive licenses, exclusive use rights, and non-exclusive use rights, as well as other contracts regarding Intellectual Property.


  • Legal research related to foreign Intellectual Property.
  • Applications for Patents, Designs, and Trademarks in foreign countries.
  • Applications in foreign countries including international patent, design and trademark (PCT, Hague, Madrid System).
  • Translation of patent specifications, legal translation of copyright contracts, general contracts, etc.

Technical Field

Electrical, electronics, information processing,
communications, control, computer/software.
Other tecnologies in various engineering fields, business models, daily necessities, promotional items, etc.

Patent application to foreign countries

  • Partnership with patent firms around the world.
  • Quick and accurate application to foreign patent offices.
  • We support accurate and speedy filing, including consideration of Japanese application specifications, preparation of foreign application documents, power of attorney, and deed of assignment.

Accomplished applications

   China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore,
   Thailand, India, Indonesia, Philippines,
   Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia
   United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy,
   Sweden, Spain, Austria
North and South America, etc.
   U.S.A., Canada, Brazil, Australia,
   Mexico, Israel

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